After coming to a conclusion of what genre we were going to create, I created a questionnaire which I was going to set around a group discussion based on the Acoustic/Indie theme we have chosen to base our music video around, and I collected a focus group together which consisted of people I knew liked this genre of music. I believe this is necessary as I needed feedback from people that were interested in and going to listen to the music video our group is going to produce.
The questions that I asked are all listed below complete with the answers I received from the focus group of my choice. I knew exactly who I wanted to interview purely down to the research I collected from the popular site – YouTube. You-Tube enabled me to find out a variety of information about audiences of this genre which reflected on the people I spoke to and also the questions I asked. I questioned a mixed gender group aging from 14-24 as these were the people watching the videos on You-Tube. My focus group consisted of 18 people.
1) How old are you?
<16 {4}
17-20 {10}
20> {2}
2) Gender
Male {6}
Female {12}
3) What “feel” of the music video most relates to the Acoustic Indie theme?
Up-Tempo {0}
Slow {0}
Deep/Serious {18}
Slight Comedy {0}
4) What interests you most when watching a music video?
Song Lyrics {11}
Music {4}
Costumes {2}
Mise en Scene {0}
Where the video is set {1}
5) What does a music video of this genre need to focus on when making it stand out to their focus group?
(May choose more than one)
Props {5}
Drama {8}
Different camera shots/movement {10}
Narrative {6}
Editing {7}
Theme reflects on the song {11}
Variety of different actors {1}
6) Do you think it’s important to follow a narrative?
Yes {16}
No {2}
7) Do any of the artists appeal to you?
(May choose more than one)
Ed Sheeran {14}
Florence and the machine {5}
James Morrison {15}
Ben Howard {4}
Jason Mraz {7}
8) Do you think advertising artists through Web 2.0 is an effective way of making them bigger within the industry?
Yes {16}
No {2}
9) Which of the following sites are best to promote an artist?
(May choose more than one)
Facebook {18}
Twitter {11}
Blog sites {10}
Bebo {0}
MySpace {7}
10) Do you think the narrative should reflect the lyrics on screen?
Yes {17}
No {1}
After asking these questions and discussing different aspects of music videos, this questionnaire has been extremely helpful in furthering the ideas for my music video. The most popular opinion seems to be that people like the music video to have a narrative which reflects the lyrics of the song. A very deep/serious theme is what most people expected and wanted in an Acoustic Indie music video.
Web 2.0 is now a very large part of the media industry so I felt I wanted to ask my focus group about this and if they understood what this meant, most of the group did so after explaining to the people that were unsure of this, they thought it was a brilliant idea of advertising up and coming artist and also believe that social networking sites were a very good way of advertising new music releases from artist that already have become large in the music industry. Now I have heard this I want to go on to making a Facebook site to advertise our music video.