Thursday 3 November 2011

Initial Ideas for Mise en Scene.

When working as a group on discussing how we are going to further our music video from initial plans we have already made, I have thought about the main Mise-en-Scene we will need. Here is a list of a few ideas:

• Bench
• Sleeping bag
• Costumes- specific the two characters included in the video
- Girl: Large earrings, ripped fish net tights, Hoody, Little skirt, hair in a messy bun.
- Boy: Jeans, leather jacket/hoody, casual top, converse shoes
• Guitar
• Car
• Blanket
• Money
• Magazine (Big Issue)
• Makeup

We may add to this list when coming to produce the video as more ideas will be final. This is a draft copy to extend on what we have already worked on.

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